Native to the Pacific NW

Artemisia douglasiana

Douglas mugwort is my favorite of the species of Artemisia that we grow.  It is native to sunny streambanks and partly shady riparian areas of several western states from Oregon to Mexico... more->

Umbellularia californica

Native to northern California and Oregon, this hardwood shrub in the laurel family grows in sunny or shady hillside forests.  I've seen it in moist coastal forests as well as in sun drenched... more->

Juncus effusus

Soft rush is a great native wetland plant to have around a pond or swale.  Its round, straight stems form a graceful fountain shape, while its rhizomes decrease soil erosion.  The roots and stems... more->

Chlorogalum pomeridianum

Soaproot is native to sunny meadows and oak woodlands of northern California and southwestern Oregon.  Like other plants in the agave family, it grows strap-shaped leaves in a basal rosette, then... more->

Sidalcea hendersonii

Henderson's checkermallow is commonly found along the Washington coast, but a few populations grow further south here along the Oregon coast.  In the hollyhock family, this perennial grows up to... more->

Solidago canadensis

A very vigorous perennial native to much of North America, Canada goldenrod can quickly colonize sunny, moist meadows and gardens.  It's bright and canary yellow inflorescences grow upwards from... more->

Lomatium dissectum

Native to well-drained hillsides in the Willamette Valley and the greater Pacific Northwest, this handsome perennial is the subject of an explosion of research for use as an antibacterial and... more->

Lilium pardalinum

Leopard lily is a stunning wildflower native to parts of Oregon and California.  It is an herbaceous perennial growing up to 6 feet tall with multiple stalks of multiple bright red and orange... more->

Myrica californica

Pacific waxmyrtle is an evergeen shrub/small tree native to the west coast of North America. It can grow 5-30 feet tall and has sticky leaves and a waxy wrinkled purple berry.  It is a great... more->

Aster subspicatus

This native member of the sunflower family spreads quickly in poor soil with very little care and without summer irrigation.  It has spreading blue-flowered aster blossoms late in the summer to... more->

Rubus parviflorus

Native to the Pacific Northwest, thimbleberries produce delicate, thimble shaped raspberry-like fruit atop canes up to 5 feet tall.  The pretty white flowers in spring brighten up shady corners of... more->

Geranium oreganum

A beautiful perennial native to Oregon, Oregon geranium is very showy.  Growing about a foot in height and wide, it has profuse pink blooms in late spring and early summer.  It thrives in full sun... more->

Vaccinium ovatum

Evergreen Huckleberry is a great northwest native evergreen shrub. It has delicate white and pink flowers, evergreen leaves and glossy, black berries. In the WiIlamette Valley, shrubs grow to 4... more->

Agastache urticifolia

Native to moist and sunny meadows and slopes of the Pacific Northwest, this perennial herb makes a fine garden specimen.  Bees and butterflies flock to its showy purple flower spikes held above... more->

Penstemon serrulatus

We have had great success growing this native penstemon in our gardens. A perennial with striking purple flowers stalks that bloom in mid-summer, Cascade penstemon is easy to grow in our climate.... more->

Baccharis pilularis

Coyote brush is an evergreen shrub native to Oregon.  It is drought tolerant, deer tolerant, and easy to grow. Fast growing, it can grow as high as nine feet but usually is shorter.  It responds... more->

Rudbeckia occidentalis

A rudbeckia native to Oregon, this wildflower has a unique bloom that resembles Echinacea or Rdbeckia but with no petals. A perennial plant, when grown in full sun and garden soil, flower stalks... more->

Grindelia integrifolia

This native perennial in the sunflower family grows into a small shrub each season, bearing yellow flowers covered in sticky white resin. It thrives in sunny spots with moisture and tolerates... more->

Wyethia angustifolia

A sunflower-like native wildflower, narrow leaved mule's ears grows in grasslands and meadows in the fields and foot hills of the Willamette Valley. It is an herbaceous perennial and each year... more->

Allium cernuum

Nodding onion is a showy native onion that is also a great addition to a perennial vegetable garden. The grass-like leaves can be harvested any time and eaten raw like chives or cooked as green... more->

Berberis aquifolium

Tall Oregon grape is a woody perennial shrub in the barberry family that is tough enough to survive in many conditions and yet provides edible and medicinal yields. It grows 2-7 feet tall in well... more->

Sagittaria latifolia and cuneata

Wapato is a perennial plant that is native throughout North America. Historically, it was a staple food crop for people wherever it grew and continues to be a popular native food plant. Tubers... more->

Anaphalis margaritacea

An Oregon native wildflower with gray green foliage and pretty dried pearly white flowers, pearly everlasting is an easy plant for a native garden. At the height of summer, plants grow up to 3... more->

Calycanthus occidentalis

A wonderfully fragrant native shrub, western spicebush is an open, deciduous shrub that tolerates part shade and is deer resistant.  Burgunday flowers bloom late spring to early summer and smell... more->

Satureja douglasii

A native perennial in the mint family, yerba buena likes dappled shade and handles a wide variety of soil from deep rich organic matter to nutrient poor clay. Once established, it can handle... more->

Ligusticum apiifolium

Native oak woodlands and meadows throughout the Pacific Northwest, licorice root, also known as celery-leaved lovage, is an herbaceous perennial in the carrot family. The leaves are edible and can... more->

Aquilegia formosa

A beautiful wildflower, our native columbine blooms yellow and red. In garden soil and part shade, columbine may grow up to 3 feet tall and wide. Delicate flowers bloom in late spring. Great... more->

Potentilla fruticosa

This hardy deciduous shrub is easy to grow in our climate. Deer tolerant and drought tolerant, it blooms for a very long time through spring into fall. We have two varieties- one that blooms... more->

Ceanothus gloriosus

A broadleaf evergreen native to coastal California, this shrub is an excellent ground cover for sunny slopes, especially rock walls and rock gardens.  It grows up to 2 feet tall and will grow 5-6... more->

Sedum oreganum

Oregon stonecrop has glossy green leaves that look like little elephant toes.  I think it has the best-tasting leaves of any native Sedum. more->

Linnaea borealis

Twinflower is a sweet native wildflower less than a foot tall with elegant bell-shaped white and pink flower clusters. It tolerates full shade and grows as a ground cover in woodlands. more->

Aralia californica

Although some know it as California ginseng, elk clover, or spikenard, I think Oregon ginseng is quite fitting for a plant that inhabits shady, moist seasonal creeks in deep coniferous forests as... more->

Ribes laxiflorum

This currant is native to the Northwest, growing along streams in partial shade. The delicate pink flowers bloom in spring and the delicious purple fruit ripens in early summer.  It does not have... more->

Ceanothus thrysiflorus

Blue blossom, also known as California lilac, is a fabulous showy broadleaf evergreen shrub.  Lilac colored flowers bloom in mid to late spring and have a wonderful fragrance.  Native to coastal... more->

Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'

This grey-leaved and beautifully patterned stonecrop grows the fastest of any Sedum species in our gardens.  The leaves are a bit more chalky and less palatable than the others, though.... more->

Lomatium californicum

Native to dry, brushy and forested hill slopes in northern California and southern Oregon, this is the largest species of biscuitroot that we grow.  I've seen it up to 4 feet tall and several feet... more->

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

A broad leaf evergreen ground cover, kinnikinnick is very hardy. It thrives in partial shade and will spread along the ground or grow along a slope, providing some erosion control. Drought... more->

Ribes menziesii

This prickly and upright gooseberry shrub is native to California and Oregon.  It produces profusions of intricate red and white flowers that look like they are turned inside out.  If you are... more->

Cynoglossum grande

With beautiful blue flowers clustered atop two foot tall stalks, hound's tongue is named for the shape and texture of the leaves that form a rosette at the base of the plant.  It's native to the... more->

Sidalcea campestris

Native to sunny meadows and dappled shade of open woodlands in the Willamette Valley, meadow checkermallow created a gorgeous display of light pink blossoms up to 6 feet tall.  In the shade it may... more->

Lomatium nudicaule

I really like the parsley-like taste of this edible perennial in the carrot family.  Another common name is pestle-parsley.  It's also native to wet meadows and well-drained hillsides in the... more->

Arnica chamissonis

This arnica is native to western North America and is as potent as Arnica montana. It is a low growing, slowly spreading herbaceous perennial that prefers full sun to part shade and... more->

Ribes sanguineum var sanguineum

This is one of the earliest blooming and showiest shrubs in the Pacific Northwest!  Red flowering currant is a very popular plant for a variety of reasons. The large clusters of pink-red flowers... more->

Eriophyllum lanatum

A beauty for a native wildflower garden, Oregon sunshine lives up to its name, bearing profuse quantities of deep yellow blooms. Gray green foliage is ornamental. This plant blooms no taller than... more->

Sidalcea virgata

We love this late spring blooming native wildflower that we often find on the edges of meadows. In the hollyhock family, this perennial grows only about a foot to two feet tall at most. It sends... more->


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