Attracts pollinators

Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride'

'Blushing Bride' has light pink frilly blooms. more->

Rosa rugosa 'alba'

Rugosa rose is a suckering shrub native to asia.  It has large and beautiful blooms and the largest rose hips of any rose we know.  The rose hips are high in vitamin C and can be eaten fresh or... more->

Cistus x purpureus 'Pink'

This variety of rock rose has narrow, resinous leaves and stunning, crinkly pink flowers with four central maroon spots. more->

Hibiscus syriacus 'Collie Mullens'

'Collie Mullens' has a deep pink bloom. more->

Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird'

'Blue Bird' has bright blue flowers, and is a bit smaller and less vigorous than other varieties. more->

Ribes aureum

'Golden' currant is larger than the european currants that we grow.  It is vigorous and can grow in a variety of soil types and habitats, up to 9 feet tall.  It has beautiful clusters of yellow... more->

Ribes x 'Waldo'

Waldo is a purple gooseberry originally brought to us by Rick Valley, a wise local Permaculture landscaper. It was the result of hybridizations from Dr. George Waldo. It has sweet purple fruits... more->

Viburnum opulus

Cramp bark is a deciduous shrub that can grow over 10 feet tall. It has showy white flower clusters and bright red-orange berries that birds love.  The bark is used medicinally to reduce smooth... more->

Rubus x 'Napache'

Tired of thorns ripping through your clothes and poking through your gloves as you harvest sweet blackberries in summer?  This cultivar released from the University of Arkansas yields large, sweet... more->

Ribes nigrum 'Blackdown'

'Blackdown' produces large, jet-black berries that are  juicy and flavorful with a distinctive musky taste. They are excellent in jams, jellies and juice. The plant is vigorous and has upright... more->

Vitex agnus-castus 'Pink'

Chaste tree, also known as vitex, is a beautiful deciduous shrub that has spikes of flowers in late summer here in Oregon.  It can grow up to ten feet tall but can be kept shorter with annual... more->

Ribes rubrum 'Jonkheer Van Tets'

Red currants produce bright red clusters of fruit which are are striking in the garden and they enhance any dish to which they are added. Red currant fruit is high in vitamin C and potassium and... more->

Calycanthus floridus

Also known as Carolina allspice, this fragrant deciduous shrub, native to the Southeastern U.S., grows 3 to 8 feet tall and up to ten feet wide.  Essentail oil is distilled from the flowers, and... more->

Ribes nigrum 'Minaj Smyriou'

'Minaj Smyriou' has excellent European black currant flavorand can be eaten fresh or used to make jam and juice.

European black currants have a very distinct musky flavor which is prized by... more->

Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart'

'Red Heart' has a white bloom with a red center and grows very vigorously in our climate.  I've seen shrubs over 6 feet tall. more->

Ribes rubrum 'Cascade'

'Cascade' is easy to grow and a consistent producer here in the Wilamette Valley.  Provides large crops of delicious red fruit. It is very winter hardy.

Red currants produce bright red... more->

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue'

One of the most popular upright rosemary varieties, Tuscan Blue has a blue-green hint to its foliage, and blue-purple flowers.

The Latin name Rosmarinus refers to the dew (ros) of the sea (... more->

Salvia apiana

The dried leaf of white sage is well known for its aroma and is excellent for smudging. 

Not native to our area, it does best grown in a pot with half sand half potting soil, or planted in... more->

Ribes oxyacanthoides 'Jahn's Prairie'

A favorite gooseberry here at Fern Hill, 'Jahn's Prairie' produces hearty yields of large dessert quality red-pink fruit in midsummer. This shrub grows more upright than some gooseberry varietes.... more->

Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnomaki Gold'

'Hinnomaki Gold' also known as 'Hinnomaki Yellow" is a very hardy variety, and bushes produce a heavy crop of medium sized, greenish yellow fruits. Some say this variety has a delicious aromatic... more->

Aquilegia formosa

A beautiful wildflower, our native columbine blooms yellow and red. In garden soil and part shade, columbine may grow up to 3 feet tall and wide. Delicate flowers bloom in late spring. Great... more->

Inula helenium

This sturdy herbaceous perennial bears giant leaves, stems up to 6 feet tall, and bright yellow flowers several inches across. Bees and other insects are always buzzing around to sip the nectar... more->

Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta'

'Invicta' produces high yields of large dessert quality green fruit, and is considered by many to be the best variety in North America. It has excellent flavor, is mildew resistant, and is more... more->

Aster subspicatus

This native member of the sunflower family spreads quickly in poor soil with very little care and without summer irrigation.  It has spreading blue-flowered aster blossoms late in the summer to... more->

Lupinus polyphyllus

This perennial produces massive flowering stalks several feet tall that smell sweet and attract bees.  Native to wetlands in the Willamette Valley and the Pacific Northwest, it performs really... more->

Salvia sclarea

With the sweet and spicy aroma of grapefruit and pine, clary sage brightens our day with its scent as well as with its spikes of white and purple flowers. This biennial starts out the first year... more->

Echinacea purpurea

This is the easiest to grow of all the Echinacea species in our area. It is very cold hardy, and sends down a multitude of pencil-sized roots. The bees and butterflies frequent the bright purple... more->

Aralia californica

Although some know it as California ginseng, elk clover, or spikenard, I think Oregon ginseng is quite fitting for a plant that inhabits shady, moist seasonal creeks in deep coniferous forests as... more->

Ribes x nidigrolaria

Jostaberry is a cross between european currants and gooseberries, taking the best from both. It is a thornless shrub producing dark fruits with a mild black currant flavor. The fruit is larger... more->

Baccharis pilularis

Coyote brush is an evergreen shrub native to Oregon.  It is drought tolerant, deer tolerant, and easy to grow. Fast growing, it can grow as high as nine feet but usually is shorter.  It responds... more->

Lupinus rivularis

This perennial produces gorgeous purple flowering stalks in full sun or part shade.  A Willamette Valley native, it tolerates drought and poor soil with root nodules that fix nitrogen.  Deer... more->

Sedum oreganum

Oregon stonecrop has glossy green leaves that look like little elephant toes.  I think it has the best-tasting leaves of any native Sedum. more->

Achillea millefolium

Yarrow is a flowering perennial in the sunflower family.  Feathery green basal leaves are present in our climate throughout the year. Taller leaves begin to grow in early spring, and flower stalks... more->

Eleagnus multiflora 'Sweet Scarlet'

Goumi plants are well known in the Northwest permaculture community for being great nitrogen fixing shrubs with a much lower chance for spreading by birds. These shrubs can grow up to 12 feet or... more->

Phlomis fruticosa

A showy evergreen shrub, Jerusalem Sage is an easy to grow plant for a sunny location. Deer tolerant and drought tolerant, it grows quickly but never gets more than a few feet high when blooming... more->

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

A broad leaf evergreen ground cover, kinnikinnick is very hardy. It thrives in partial shade and will spread along the ground or grow along a slope, providing some erosion control. Drought... more->

Lavandula angustifolia 'Grosso'

'Grosso' is a hybrid Lavindin-type variety that has a dark purple bloom, grey-green leaves, and excellent fragrance fresh or dried. This variety is often used for commercial production because of... more->

Rosa nutkana var. nutkana

This native rose shrub has the largest pink flowers of the Oregon species. They perfume the woods when they bloom in May! more->

Baptisia australis

A perennial in the pea family, false indigo sends up 3-foot tall inflorescences with breathtaking deep blue pea flowers. Though not as good as true indigo, a blue dye can be made from the leaves... more->

Malva moschata

Edible flowers and leaves make muskmallow a great perennial for a sunny garden. It starts growing in early spring and blooms a deep pink in late spring through summer. Our plants bloom profusely... more->

Sidalcea campestris

Native to sunny meadows and dappled shade of open woodlands in the Willamette Valley, meadow checkermallow created a gorgeous display of light pink blossoms up to 6 feet tall.  In the shade it may... more->

Agastache foeniculum

A great addition to any perennial garden, anise hyssop is a beautiful summer blooming perennial with edible leaves and flowers. The leaves, when steeped fresh or dried, make a refreshing minty... more->

Eriophyllum lanatum

A beauty for a native wildflower garden, Oregon sunshine lives up to its name, bearing profuse quantities of deep yellow blooms. Gray green foliage is ornamental. This plant blooms no taller than... more->


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