Arden's Double Purple has a frilly flower with multiple layers of purple-pink petals. more->
We spent 13 years building an abundant fruit forest, annual veggie beds, perennial medicinal herbs, and a healthy mixed hardwood-coniferous forest and now we've sold our property to the next stewards so that we can begin a new homesteading project in Vermont closer to our best friends and their kids.
Don't worry - we plan to keep this website up and running so that our customers can reference what we've written about our plants!
We'll let you know once we re-start a farm in Vermont!
Arden's Double Purple has a frilly flower with multiple layers of purple-pink petals. more->
We have both Scandinavian and Russian cultivars of this alpine astringent and tonic herb. Accustomed to sunny, well-drained, high-elevation rocky meadows, we've been able to grow this plant in... more->
Combining the warm, spicy scent of thyme with the sweet aroma of old-fashioned rose, we can't seem to grow enough of this wonderful herb! The foliage and flowers make tea that not only tastes... more->
A very vigorous perennial native to much of North America, Canada goldenrod can quickly colonize sunny, moist meadows and gardens. It's bright and canary yellow inflorescences grow upwards from... more->
This species of skullcap is native to moist meadows over a wide area in North America. It is the most popular and common skullcap among herbalists in the U.S.
The tea or tincture of the... more->
It sure is hard to beat the savory flavor of garlic chives! While most garden chives bear pink flowers in summer, garlic chives produce a more open cluster of white blooms. The bulbs and leaves... more->
We depend on the spicy and bright salad greens from this perennial arugula in early spring when most other salad greens are still struggling with cold and wet weather. Plus, when the majority of... more->
We grow this tender annual each year at the same timing as tomatoes and basil in our garden. In July and August, it produces striking yellow and red flower heads without any ray flowers, giving... more->
This Kenyan species of toothache plant grows as a ground cover or vine. It's sensitive to frost but makes a great medicinal annual plant for our climate. We occasionally grow the vines in... more->
Highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwaganda is a warming and calming nutritive tonic. A decoction of the root in milk is a traditional recipe for helping decrease nervous tension, insomnia,... more->
Though we usually propagate perennials, this annual mallow is a staple of our summer and fall diet because it is so prolific. So we planted a few seeds into pots to make sure we could share this... more->
Although annual mallows can make nice greens, this perennial mallow not only has delicious leaves but it also makes large displays of showy purple edible flowers! One type has lavender petals... more->
Growing up to 5 feet tall, this sticky-leaved flowering tobacco produces drooping white flowers that are one of the most sweet and fragrant blossoms I know. They will fill the garden with perfume... more->
This oregano variety has spicy flavor, slightly fuzzy leaves, and a upright, spreading habit. While our compact and golden oreganos have very mild flavor, this Italian variety will perk up any... more->
'Himrod' is an excellent sweet green seedless table grape. It is very productive. Fruits turn golden when ripe, which is usually late summer. It is self-pollinating. Very easy to grow and... more->
Canadice is a delicious seedless red table grape. It ripens at the later end of grape season, in early fall. Canadice is self-pollinating. Very easy to grow and drought tolerant. more->
Glenora is a concord -type seedless grape. Grapes are medium to large size and have a deep dark blue color. It is self-pollinating. Very easy to grow and drought tolerant. more->
Although some refer to it as St. John’s Wort, Susan Weed conjures up the bravery of Joan of Arc in reference to the healing properties of this herb. It is listed as a noxious weed in many western... more->
If I were stranded with only one plant to choose for my garden, broad-leaved plantain would be my top choice. The whole plant is completely edible, raw and cooked. I've used it to help heal... more->
We really enjoy making lemony tea and flavorful Thai recipes with this aromatic herb. Fresh lemon grass is far superior to the faded bundles you find in the grocery store! Lemon grass is not... more->
Bright yellow-orange flowers abound on these sun-loving plants. Although calendula is an annual that doesn't survive the winter well, it faithfully self-sows in our garden and emerges each spring... more->
Our leopard lily mother bore seeds that were fertilized by lemon lily pollen, and this is the first generation of the hybrid. Some of the hybrid flowers turned out yellow orange with long... more->
This traditional Andean perennial vegetable produces red and white tubers the size of cherries. We harvest the tubers in fall after the first frosts make them sweeter. Steamed, baked, or fried,... more->
Native to well-drained hillsides in the Willamette Valley and the greater Pacific Northwest, this handsome perennial is the subject of an explosion of research for use as an antibacterial and... more->
This variety of red raspberry bears medium sized, juicy fruit. This variety was developed especially for resistence to phytopthora rot and other fungal diseases that proliferate in wet soil, so... more->
This raspberry bears sweet and beautiful golden fruit! Need we say more? more->
Seaberries are tart and delicious golden fruit about the size of a lentil, borne in large quantities along the thorny stems of this shrub. The berries are packed with fifteen times the vitamin C... more->
This succulent perennial with pale yellow umbellate flowers is native to rocky coastal cliffs in western Europe. The edible leaves and flowers have a slightly spicy taste, and hold up well when... more->
This soft, citrus-scented, and uncommon member of the borage family produces small yellow flowers in summer. Researchers have been investigating the anti-bacterial properties, while herbalists... more->
A multi-functional tree native to Europe, linden has edible leaves and flowers. Bees adore the blooms which make a great tea, and from bees, a delicious honey. The wood is also known as basswood... more->
No kitchen garden can be without this flavorful and perennial member of the onion family! The 'Purly' variety makes longer and straighter hollow leaves than most. It produces edible magenta... more->
Yacón produces sweet, juicy tubers the size and shape of sweet potatoes. The stems grow up to 6 or 8 feet tall and bear yellow sunflower-type flowers. The stems and leaves are sensitive to frost... more->
Yerba mansa is a creeping herbaceous perennial with white flowers that prefers wet soil and warm sun. Native to California and the Southwest, in our climate it may do best grown in a... more->
This male variety will pollinate any Actinidia arguta (hardy kiwi), purpurea (hardy red), or deliciosa (fuzzy kiwi), but it won't likely pollinate A.... more->
This variety produces very well in our partly shady garden. A neighbor of ours has a vine that towers overhead, engulfing a fence and raining down fruit. more->
'Korsor' is a variety of black European elder from Denmark, notable for its large, dark, juicy berries. It grows to about 8 feet tall.
European black elderberries are the most sought-after... more->
Bred in Canada, 'Tulameen' has very large red fruit, even bigger than the large-fruited commercial variety 'Meeker'. Unlike 'Cascade Red', it prefers well-drained soil.
Raspberry canes... more->
'Captivator' is virtually thornless and very hardy. Shrubs are productive and bear medium to large sweet red fruits which ripen midsummer.
This variety was propagated from a plant growing on farm near us, on Muslin Creek.
European black currants have a very distinct musky flavor which is prized by many in europe and the U.S.... more->
This perennial has slimy roots and leaves that are used externally for bruises, sprains, and dry, irritated skin. Russian comfrey has deep roots to draw nutrients to the surface, and makes great... more->
'Cascade' is a popular variety for brewing. Bred at OSU, it is a great general purpose flavor and resistant to downy mildew.
Hops are a wonderful choice for summer shade screen and, of... more->
'Seascape' is a good choice if you want to harvest strawberries throughout summer and early fall. The best choice is to grow some of this variety adn some of 'June', and then you will haev... more->
Leopard lily is a stunning wildflower native to parts of Oregon and California. It is an herbaceous perennial growing up to 6 feet tall with multiple stalks of multiple bright red and orange... more->
You may be familiar with the strong flavor of this traditional perennial vegetable. The root, grated and made into a condiment to help with digetion, it is often served with meat. We like to... more->
Licorice has an edible and medicinal root that is most commonly used as a tea. The perennial plant prefers sun and well drained soil. The plant can grow up to 2 feet tall and has purple and... more->
Red sage, also known as Dan Shen, is a perennial sage with whorls of purple flowers in late summer. This species is popular in Chinese, Japanese, and European herbal traditions for circulation... more->
Also known as Grosse Monstrueuse de Lipari, this fig is named for an island in italy and known for its delicious fruit and large leaves. It has faintly striped and mottled green and purplish skin... more->
Grapes are very easy to grow and maintain and never fail to produce abundant crops. This red variety is espcially sweet and ripens later than the green and purple varieties we grow. more->
Grapes are very easy to grow and maintain and never fail to produce abundant crops. This is a sweet and delicious table grape. It is the earliest to ripen of the grapes we grow. It is very... more->