Edible flowers

So many colors!  Sweet nectar!  Delicious and so good for you!

We love to add a dash of colorful calendula, borage, and bachelor's button flowers to our salads on special occasions.  Sweet violets, soft rose petals, and silky purple mallow flowers delight guests as they enjoy a summertime dessert.  At just the sight of the hibiscus-shaped flowers of rose of sharon, you feel like you're on a tropical island - taste the sweet nectar and marshmallow softness of that flower stuffed with a bite of scrumptious dessert, and that little slice of paradise transforms your kitchen too!

Several restaurants use edible flowers harvested here at Fern Hill in their local and seasonal menus.

Rosa rugosa

Rugosa rose is a suckering shrub native to Asia. It has large and beautiful blooms and the largest rose hips of any rose we know. The rose hips are high in vitamin C and can be eaten fresh or... more->

Monarda fistulosa

This wild variety of beebalm produces showy light pink flower clusters on two foot tall stems. more->

Thymus vulgaris

English Tabor thyme has wide leaves that are the most broad, green, and juicy of any thyme we've grown.  Whereas other varieties are often quite spicy and pungent, this thyme is mild tasting but... more->

Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'

Viking has been selected for delicious flavor raw and cooked. Some seedlings can be extremely astringent but this one will just give you a little pucker. more->

Ribes rubrum 'White Imperial'

White currants are the sweetest of the European currants and White Imperial has great flavor. Almost all currant lovers that we talk to choose white currants for sweet flavor. These shrubs are... more->

Hyssopus officinalis

A hardy perennial in the mint family with delicious and fragrant blue flowers. This herb has been used as a tasty flavoring, expectorant, and antitussive in Europe and the Mediterranean for... more->

Oenothera biennis

Evening primrose is a great edition to a pollinator garden because it blooms at night and attract the nighttime pollinators. Every summer evening at dusk, you can watch each pale yellow flower... more->

Thymus x citriodorus 'Aureus'

Beautiful, culinary, medicinal - no herb garden is complete without this variegated, lemon scented thyme. The yellow and green leaves give way to pink flowers in summer. This thyme forms a short... more->

Asarum caudatum

A beautiful native forest ground cover, wild ginger likes to grow in moist soil in shady areas. You will find it wild near creeks and on wet hillsides in the shade. Glossy heart-shaped leaves... more->

Ribes laxiflorum

This currant is native to the Northwest, growing along streams in partial shade. The delicate pink flowers bloom in spring and the delicious purple fruit ripens in early summer.  It does not have... more->

Lavandula angustifolia 'Grosso'

'Grosso' is a hybrid Lavindin-type variety that has a dark purple bloom, grey-green leaves, and excellent fragrance fresh or dried. This variety is often used for commercial production because of... more->

Rubus leucodermis var. leucodermis

Blackcap raspberry is one of the most delicious native fruits in our area. It is also not well know because it is not as common as the wild blackberries. The blackcap is a cane fruit that grows... more->

Agastache foeniculum

A great addition to any perennial garden, anise hyssop is a beautiful summer blooming perennial with edible leaves and flowers. The leaves, when steeped fresh or dried, make a refreshing minty... more->

Opuntia ficus-indica

This is a compact variety of prickly pear cactus that has edible green pads with no thick spines and small clusters of tiny hair-like prickles.  Unlike prickly pear shrubs, this variety stays... more->

Vaccinium ovatum

Evergreen Huckleberry is a great northwest native evergreen shrub. It has delicate white and pink flowers, evergreen leaves and glossy, black berries. In the WiIlamette Valley, shrubs grow to 4... more->

Asclepias incarnata

Unlike some milkweed species, swamp milkweed is a clumping perennial and does not spread by rhizomes. It has deep pink flower clusters on a two to three foot stalk. It is a host plant for monarch... more->

Ribes menziesii

This prickly and upright gooseberry shrub is native to California and Oregon.  It produces profusions of intricate red and white flowers that look like they are turned inside out.  If you are... more->

Lavandula angustifolia 'Vera'

'Vera' is a cold-hardy heirloom English lavender. It is considered the original and true variety traditionally grown at high elevation in the French alps. In our garden, 'Vera' produces tall... more->

Rubus parviflorus

Native to the Pacific Northwest, thimbleberries produce delicate, thimble shaped raspberry-like fruit atop canes up to 5 feet tall.  The pretty white flowers in spring brighten up shady corners of... more->

Agastache urticifolia

Native to moist and sunny meadows and slopes of the Pacific Northwest, this perennial herb makes a fine garden specimen.  Bees and butterflies flock to its showy purple flower spikes held above... more->

Origanum compactum

Compact oregano has a great flavor! Low growing and spreading, it makes a great ground cover underneath taller herbs. Flowers are bright pink and usually bloom in mid summer. We have found this... more->

Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Lingonberry is a low growing evergreen shrub/groundcover with delicious tart red berries, Very popular in cooking and food preservation in Scandinavia, where they are wild harvested and cultivated... more->

Berberis aquifolium

Tall Oregon grape is a woody perennial shrub in the barberry family that is tough enough to survive in many conditions and yet provides edible and medicinal yields. It grows 2-7 feet tall in well... more->

Ribes nigrum 'Black September'

European black currants have a very distinct musky flavor which is prized by many in Europe and the U.S. We love these fruit and make a honey and currant jam that our toddler eats by the spoonful... more->

Levisticum officinale

Lovage is an excellent addition to a perennial vegetable garden. Bursting forth in spring, this plant can shoot up to six or seven feet tall each year. The aromatic leaves have a flavor similar to... more->

Rumex acetosa

We rely on garden sorrel greens in January and February.  Before any other outdoor crop is ready to harvest, garden sorrel is up and abundant!  You'll be glad you put some sorrel in the ground... more->

Allium cepa proliferum

This onion has the funny habit of creating bulbs atop its flowering scapes that grow so big and heavy that the stems bend down and plant the bulblets in the soil about a foot away from the mother... more->

Origanum syriacum

This aromatic and savory variety of oregano is native to the Middle East where it grows in abundance on the rocky hillsides.  It's leaves are covered in fine grey hairs that help it conserve water... more->

Viola odorata

One of the first flowers to bloom in spring, purple sweet violet flowers bring a subtle and sweet aroma to the garden as it wakes from slumber.  With edible and fragrant flowers as well as edible... more->

Brassica oleraceae 'tree collards'

Like other non-heading collard greens, this sturdy and cold-hardy vegetable produces large smooth, oval-shaped leaves that are really nice to harvest in fall, winter, and spring.  It then grows... more->

Ribes odoratum 'Crandell'

This currant has smooth, lobed leaves and berries that have spicy and gingery tones that ride on top of the sweet and sour currant flavor.  It's yellow flowers brighten the garden in late spring... more->

Ligusticum apiifolium

Native oak woodlands and meadows throughout the Pacific Northwest, licorice root, also known as celery-leaved lovage, is an herbaceous perennial in the carrot family. The leaves are edible and can... more->

Salvia officinalis

No herb garden is complete without this fragrant and savory leaf to add to pasta sauce, soup stock and more. Sage also produces beautiful and edible pink flowers that attract pollinators.... more->

Allium cernuum

Nodding onion is a showy native onion that is also a great addition to a perennial vegetable garden. The grass-like leaves can be harvested any time and eaten raw like chives or cooked as green... more->

Origanum vulgare 'Aureum'

This low-growing oregano has beautiful golden leaves and a nice aromatic flavor for cooking.  It prefers full sun, and loses its color in part shade. more->

Fragaria vesca

Native throughout most of the northern hemisphere, alpine strawberry is that amazingly sweet wild strawberry you remember from childhood.  Small fruits pack superb flavor.  Plants are vigorous in... more->

Ribes sanguineum var sanguineum

This is one of the earliest blooming and showiest shrubs in the Pacific Northwest!  Red flowering currant is a very popular plant for a variety of reasons. The large clusters of pink-red flowers... more->


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