Attracts pollinators

Artemisia vulgaris

This is the official mugwort native to temperate Europe, Asia, and north Africa often referenced in witches spells and potions.  It is a very strong cooling bitter that I like to use in apple... more->

Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'

Viking has been selected for delicious flavor raw and cooked. Some seedlings can be extremely astringent but this one will just give you a little pucker. more->

Lomatium californicum

Native to dry, brushy and forested hill slopes in northern California and southern Oregon, this is the largest species of biscuitroot that we grow.  I've seen it up to 4 feet tall and several feet... more->

Lonicera involucrata var. involucrata

Black twinberry, native to Oregon, is an excellent hummingbird plant. This deciduous shrub can grow up to 6 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It can grow in sun or part shade. Flowers are bright... more->

Monarda fistulosa

This wild variety of beebalm produces showy light pink flower clusters on two foot tall stems. more->

Lavandula angustifolia 'Grosso'

'Grosso' is a hybrid Lavindin-type variety that has a dark purple bloom, grey-green leaves, and excellent fragrance fresh or dried. This variety is often used for commercial production because of... more->

Sagittaria latifolia and cuneata

Wapato is a perennial plant that is native throughout North America. Historically, it was a staple food crop for people wherever it grew and continues to be a popular native food plant. Tubers... more->

Allium fistulosum

This purple and white onion grows round bulbs in clusters that are firm, crisp, and have delicious savory flavor. more->

Asclepias speciosa

A gorgeous wildflower native to western North America, showy milkweed is a host plant for monarch butterflies. Pink and white fragrant flower clusters bloom on two or three foot stalks in mid-... more->

Asclepias incarnata

Unlike some milkweed species, swamp milkweed is a clumping perennial and does not spread by rhizomes. It has deep pink flower clusters on a two to three foot stalk. It is a host plant for monarch... more->

Lomatium nudicaule

I really like the parsley-like taste of this edible perennial in the carrot family.  Another common name is pestle-parsley.  It's also native to wet meadows and well-drained hillsides in the... more->

Oxalis oregana 'Klamath Red'

A beautiful shade-tolerant ground cover, the native Oregon wood sorrel spreads happily on the forest floor, or a shady garden floor.  It likes lots of organic matter and shade.  If it does not... more->

Ribes nigrum 'Black September'

European black currants have a very distinct musky flavor which is prized by many in Europe and the U.S. We love these fruit and make a honey and currant jam that our toddler eats by the spoonful... more->

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

A broad leaf evergreen ground cover, kinnikinnick is very hardy. It thrives in partial shade and will spread along the ground or grow along a slope, providing some erosion control. Drought... more->

Nepeta cataria

Although most people think first of the way that cats go crazy from the aroma of the flower spikes of catnip, it's also a wonderful herbal medicine.  But it has the opposite effect on people - it'... more->

Asarum caudatum

A beautiful native forest ground cover, wild ginger likes to grow in moist soil in shady areas. You will find it wild near creeks and on wet hillsides in the shade. Glossy heart-shaped leaves... more->

Baccharis pilularis

Coyote brush is an evergreen shrub native to Oregon.  It is drought tolerant, deer tolerant, and easy to grow. Fast growing, it can grow as high as nine feet but usually is shorter.  It responds... more->

Asclepias syriaca

Common milkweed is very similar to our native showy milkweed, but native to eastern North America. This species is just as showy as the showy milkweed in our garden but a little more pink than... more->


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